Evaluating the Zero-shot Robustness of Instruction-tuned Language Models

Jiuding Sun, Chantal Shaib and Byron C. Wallace
Spotlight (top 5%)


LLMs Represent Contextual Tasks as Compact Function Vectors

Eric Todd, Millicent Li, Arnab Sen Sharma, Aaron Mueller, Byron C Wallace and David Bau

Evaluating the Factuality of Zero-shot Summarizers Across Varied Domains

Sanjana Ramprasad, Kundan Krishna, Zachary C. Lipton and Byron C. Wallace

Leveraging ChatGPT in Pharmacovigilance Event Extraction: An Empirical Study

Zhaoyue Sun, Gabriele Pergola, Byron C Wallace and Yulan He

Question answering systems for health professionals at the point of care: A systematic review

Gregory Kell, Angus Roberts, Serge Umansky, Linglong Qian, Davide Ferrari, Frank Soboczenski, Byron C Wallace, Nikhil Patel and Iain J Marshall

On-the-fly Definition Augmentation of LLMs for Biomedical NER

Monica Munnangi ~Monica_Munnangi1 , Sergey Feldman, Byron C Wallace, Silvio Amir, Tom Hope and Aakanksha Naik

Towards Reducing Diagnostic Errors with Interpretable Risk Prediction

Denis Jered McInerney, William Dickinson, Lucy C. Flynn, Andrea C Young, Geoffrey Young, Jan-Willem van de Meent and Byron C Wallace

Retrieving Evidence from EHRs with LLMs: Possibilities and Challenges

Hiba Ahsan, Denis Jered McInerney, Jisoo Kim, Christopher A Potter, Geoffrey Young, Silvio Amir, and Byron C Wallace

Infolossqa: Characterizing and recovering information loss in text simplification

Jan Trienes, Sebastian Joseph, Jörg Schlötterer, Christin Seifert, Kyle Lo, Wei Xu, Byron C Wallace, and Junyi Jessy Li

FACTPICO: Factuality Evaluation for Plain Language Summarization of Medical Evidence

Sebastian Antony Joseph, Lily Chen, Jan Trienes, Hannah Louisa Göke, Monika Coers, Wei Xu, Byron C Wallace, and Junyi Jessy Li

Do multi-document summarization models synthesize?

Jay DeYoung, Stephanie C. Martinez, Iain J. Marshall and Byron C. Wallace
Transaction of the Association for Computational Linguistics (TACL)

Open (Clinical) LLMs are Sensitive to Instruction Phrasings

Alberto Mario Ceballos-Arroyo, Monica Munnangi, Jiuding Sun, Karen Zhang, Jered McInerney, Byron C. Wallace and Silvio Amir

Automatically Extracting Numerical Results from Randomized Controlled Trials with Large Language Models

Hye Sun Yun, Iain J. Marshall, Thomas Trikalinos and Byron C. Wallace
Machine Learning for Healthcare (MLHC)


RedHOT: A Corpus of Annotated Medical Questions, Experiences, and Claims on Social Media

Somin Wadhwa, Vivek Khetan, Silvio Amir and Byron C. Wallace
EACL (Findings)

NapSS: Paragraph-level Medical Text Simplification via Narrative Prompting and Sentence-matching Summarization

Junru Lu, Jiazheng Li, Byron C. Wallace, Yulan He and Gabriele Pergola
EACL (Findings)

How Many and Which Training Points Would Need to be Removed to Flip this Prediction?

Jinhan Yang, Sarthak Jain and Byron C. Wallace

Automatically Summarizing Evidence from Clinical Trials: A Prototype Highlighting Current Challenges

Sanjana Ramprasad, Denis Jered McInerney, Iain J. Marshall and Byron C. Wallace
EACL (System Demonstrations track)

Automated Metrics for Medical Multi-Document Summarization Disagree with Human Evaluations

Lucy Lu Wang, Yulia Otmakhova, Jay DeYoung, Thinh Hung Truong, Bailey E. Kuehl, Erin Bransom and Byron C. Wallace

Summarizing, Simplifying, and Synthesizing Medical Evidence using GPT-3 (with Varying Success)

Chantal Shaib, Millicent Liaw Li, Sebastian A. Joseph, Iain Marshall, Junyi Jessy Li and Byron C. Wallace

Revisiting Relation Extraction in the era of Large Language Models

Somin Wadhwa, Silvio Amir and Byron C. Wallace

Jointly Extracting Interventions, Outcomes, and Findings from RCT Reports with LLMs

Somin Wadhwa, Jay DeYoung, Benjamin Nye, Silvio Amir, and Byron C. Wallace
Machine Learning for Healthcare (MLHC)

Accomodating User Expressivity while Maintaining Safety for a Virtual Alcohol Misuse Counselor

Stefán Ólafsson, Paola Pedrelli, Byron C. Wallace and Timothy Bickmore
ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents

CHiLL: Zero-shot Custom Interpretable Feature Extraction from Clinical Notes with Large Language Models

Denis Jered McInerney, Geoffrey Young, Jan-Willem van de Meent, and Byron C. Wallace
EMNLP (Findings)

Appraising the Potential Uses and Harms of LLMs for Medical Systematic Reviews

Hye Sun Yun, Iain J. Marshall, Thomas Trikalinos and Byron C. Wallace

USB: A Unified Summarization Benchmark Across Tasks and Domains

Kundan Krishna, Prakhar Gupta, Sanjana Ramprasad, Byron C. Wallace, Jeffrey P. Bigham and Zachary C. Lipton
EMNLP (Findings)

Multilingual Simplification of Medical Texts

Sebastian Joseph, Kathryn Kazanas, Keziah Reina, Vishnesh J. Ramanathan, Wei Xu, Byron C. Wallace and Junyi Jessy Li

Anticipating Subsequent Tokens from a Single Hidden State

Koyena Pal, Jiuding Sun, Andrew Yuan, Byron C. Wallace and David Bau


Combining Feature and Instance Attribution to Detect Artifacts

Pouya Pezeshkpour, Sarthak Jain, Sameer Singh and Byron C. Wallace
ACL (Findings)

Evaluating Factuality in Text Simplification

Ashwin Devaraj, William Berkeley Sheffield, Byron C Wallace and Junyi Jessy Li
Outstanding Paper recipient

pre-print link

Accuracy and Efficiency of Machine Learning–Assisted Risk-of-Bias Assessments in “Real-World” Systematic Reviews

Anneliese Arno, James Thomas, Byron C. Wallace, Iain J. Marshall, Joanne E. McKenzie, and Julian H. Elliott
Annals of Internal Medicine

In a pilot study, automated real-time systematic review updates were feasible, accurate, and work-saving

Iain J Marshall, Thomas A Trikalinos, Frank Soboczenski, Hye Sun Yun, Gregory Kell, Rachel Marshall, and Byron C Wallace
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

Self-repetition in abstractive neural summarizers

Nikita Salkar, Thomas Trikalinos, Byron C. Wallace, and Ani Nenkova

Influence functions for sequence tagging models

Sarthak Jain, Varun Manjunatha, Byron C. Wallace, and Ani Nenkova
EMNLP (Findings)

Phee: A dataset for pharmacovigilance event extraction from text

Zhaoyue Sun, Jiazheng Li, Gabriele Pergola, Byron C. Wallace, Bino John, Nigel Greene, Joseph Kim, and Yulan He

That’s the wrong lung! evaluating and improving the interpretability of unsupervised multimodal encoders for medical data

Jered McInerney, Geoffrey Young, Jan-Willem van de Meent, and Byron C. Wallace

Intermediate Entity-based Sparse Interpretable Representation Learning

Diego Garcia-Olano, Yasumasa Onoe, Joydeep Ghosh and Byron C. Wallace
BlackboxNLP workshop @ EMNLP


Interpretability Analysis for Named Entity Recognition to Understand System Predictions and How They Can Improve

Oshin Agarwal, Yinfei Yang, Byron C. Wallace, and Ani Nenkova
Computational Linguistics
pre-print link

Generating (Factual?) Narrative Summaries of RCTs: Experiments with Neural Multi-Document Summarization

Byron C. Wallace, Sayantan Saha, Frank Soboczenski and Iain J. Marshall
AMIA Summit

Understanding Clinical Trial Reports: Extracting Medical Entities and Their Relations

Benjamin E. Nye, Jay DeYoung, Eric Lehman, Ani Nenkova, Iain J. Marshall, and Byron C. Wallace
AMIA Summit
Best Student-led Paper Recipient


An Empirical Comparison of Instance Attribution Methods for NLP

Pouya Pezeshkpour, Sarthak Jain, Byron C. Wallace and Sameer Singh

Paragraph-level Simplification of Medical Texts

Ashwin Devaraj, Iain J. Marshall, Byron C. Wallace and Junjy Jessy Li

Does BERT Pretrained on Clinical Notes Reveal Sensitive Data?

Eric Lehman, Sarthak Jain, Karl Pichotta, Yoav Goldberg and Byron C. Wallace

On the Impact of Random Seeds on the Fairness of Clinical Classifiers

Silvio Amir, Jan-Willem van de Meent and Byron C. Wallace

State of the evidence: a survey of global disparities in clinical trials

Iain J Marshall, Veline L'Esperance, Rachel Marshall, James Thomas, Anna Noel-Storr, Frank Soboczenski, Benjamin Nye, Ani Nenkova, Byron C. Wallace
BMJ Global Health
pre-print link

Biomedical Interpretable Entity Representations

Diego Garcia-Olano, Yasumasa Onoe, Ioana Baldini, Joydeep Ghosh, Byron C. Wallace and Kush Varzney
ACL 2021 (Findings)

Unsupervised Data Augmentation with Naive Augmentation and without Unlabeled Data

David Lowell, Brian Howard, Zachary C. Lipton. Byron C. Wallace

Disentangling Representations of Text by Masking Transformers

Xiongyi Zhang, Jan-Willem van de Meent and Byron C. Wallace

What Would it Take to get Biomedical QA Systems into Practice?

Gregory Kell, Iain Marshall, Byron C. Wallace and Andre Jaun
The 3rd Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering (at EMNLP)
Honorable mention for Best Paper at MRQA



Towards a Computational Framework for Automating Substance Use Counseling with Virtual Agents

Stefan Olafsson, Byron C. Wallace, and Timothy Bickmore
Proceedings of the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS)

Semi-Automated Evidence Synthesis in Health Psychology: Current Methods and Future Prospects

Iain Marshall, Blair T. Johnson, Zigeng Wang, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran and Byron C. Wallace
Health Psychology Review

MMiDaS-AE: Multi-modal Missing Data aware Stacked Autoencoder for Biomedical Abstract Screening

Eric Lee, Byron C. Wallace, Karla Galaviz, and Joyce C. Ho
ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL)

ERASER: A Benchmark to Evaluate Rationalized NLP Models

Jay DeYoung, Sarthak Jain, Nazneen Fatema Rajani, Eric Lehman, Caiming Xiong, Richard Socher, and Byron C. Wallace
ACL 2020

Explaining Black Box Predictions and Unveiling Data Artifacts through Influence Functions

Xiaochuang Han, Byron C. Wallace, and Yulia Tsvetkov
ACL 2020

Learning to Faithfully Rationalize by Construction

Sarthak Jain, Sarah Wiegreffe, Yuval Pinter, and Byron C. Wallace
ACL 2020

Trialstreamer: Mapping and Browsing Medical Evidence in Real-Time

Benjamin Nye, Ani Nenkova, Iain J. Marshall, and Byron C. Wallace
ACL 2020 (demo track)

Evidence Inference 2.0: More Data, Better Models

Jay DeYoung and Eric Lehman and Benjamin Nye and Iain Marshall and Byron C. Wallace

Semi-Automating Knowledge Base Construction for Cancer Genetics

Somin Wadhwa, Kanhua Yin, Kevin S. Hughes, and Byron C. Wallace

Query-Focused EHR Summarization to Aid Imaging Diagnosis

Denis Jered McInerney, Borna Dabiri, Anne-Sophie Touret, Geoffrey Young, Jan-Willem van de Meent and Byron C. Wallace
Machine Learning for Healthcare

Trialstreamer: a living, automatically updated database of clinical trial reports

Iain J. Marshall, Benjamin Nye, Joël Kuiper, Anna Noel-Storr, Rachel Marshall, Rory Maclean, Frank Soboczenski, Ani Nenkova, James Thomas, and Byron C. Wallace
Journal of American Medical Informatics Association

Predicting unplanned readmissions following a hip or knee arthroplasty

Ramin Mohammadi, Sarthak Jain, Amir T Namin, Melissa Scholem Heller, Ramya Palacholla, Sagar Kamarthi, and Byron C. Wallace
JMIR Medical Informatics


Learning to Identify Patients at Risk of Uncontrolled Hypertension Using Electronic Health Records Data

Ramin Mohammadi, Sarthak Jain, Stephen Agboola, Ramya Palacholla, Sagar Kamarthi and Byron C. Wallace
AMIA Informatics Summit

Explainable Modeling of Annotations in Crowdsourcing

An Thanh Nguyen, Matthew Lease and Byron C. Wallace
ACM Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI)

Structured Representations for Reviews: Aspect-Based Variational Hidden Factor Models

Babak Esmaeili, Hongyi Huang, Byron C. Wallace, and Jan-Willem van de Meent
pre-print link

Rapid reviews may produce different results to systematic reviews: a meta-epidemiological study

Iain J. Marshall, Rachel Marshall, Byron C. Wallace, Jon Brassey, and James Thomas
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

Attention is not Explanation

Sarthak Jain and Byron C. Wallace
North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)

Inferring Which Medical Treatments Work from Reports of Clinical Trials

Eric Lehman, Jay DeYoung, Regina Barzilay, and Byron C. Wallace
North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)

Predicting Annotation Difficulty to Improve Task Routing and Model Performance for Biomedical Information Extraction

Yinfei Yang, Oshin Agarwal, Chris Tar, Byron C. Wallace, and Ani Nenkova
North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)

MASH: software tools for developing interactive and transparent machine learning systems

An Thanh Nguyen, Matthew Lease, and Byron C. Wallace
ACM IUI Workshop on Explainable Smart Systems (ExSS)

Browsing Health: Information Extraction to Support New Interfaces for Accessing Medical Evidence

Soham Parikh, Elizabeth Conrad, Oshin Agarwal, Iain Marshall, Byron C. Wallace and Ani Nenkova
Workshop on extracting structured knowledge from scientific publications (ESSP); co-located with NAACL

An Analysis of Attention over Clinical Notes for Predictive Tasks

Sarthak Jain and Byron C. Wallace
The 2nd Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop (co-located with NAACL)

Machine learning to help researchers evaluate biases in clinical trials: a prospective, randomized user study

Frank Soboczenski, Thomas A Trikalinos, Joël Kuiper, Randolph G Bias, Byron C Wallace and Iain J Marshall
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Practical Obstacles to Deploying Active Learning

David Lowell, Zachary Lipton and Byron C. Wallace
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Are Online Reviews of Physicians Biased Against Female Providers?

Avijit Thawani, Michael J. Paul, Urmimala Sarkar, and Byron C. Wallace
Machine Learning for Healthcare

Toward systematic review automation: a practical guide to using machine learning tools in research synthesis

Iain Marshall and Byron C. Wallace
Systematic Reviews


Living systematic reviews: 2. Combining human and machine effort

J Thomas, A Noel-Storr, I Marshall, BC Wallace, S McDonale, C Mavergames, P Glasziou, I Shemilt, A Synnot, T Turner and J Elliot
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

Neural Information Retrieval: At the End of the Early Years

KD Onal, Y Zhang, IS Altingovde, M Rahman, P Karagoz, A Braylan, B Dang, HL Chang, H Kim, Q McNamara, A Angert, E Banner, V Khetan, T McDonnell, AT Nguyen, D Xu, BC Wallace, M Rijke, and M Lease
Information Retrieval
pre-print link

An Interpretable Joint Graphical Model for Fact-Checking from Crowds

An Thanh Nguyen, Aditya Kharosekar, Matthew Lease and Byron C. Wallace
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18)

Machine Learning for Identifying Randomized Controlled Trials: an evaluation and practitioner’s guide

Iain Marshall, Anna Noel Storr, Joël Kuiper, James Thomas and Byron C. Wallace
Research Synthesis Methods

Syntactic Patterns Improve Information Extraction for Medical Search

Roma Patel, Yinfei Yang, Iain Marshall, Ani Nenkova, and Byron C. Wallace.
North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)
pre-print link

PIVET: A scaled phenotype evidence generation framework using online medical literature

Jette Henderson, Junyuan Ke, Joyce C. Ho, Joydeep Ghosh, and Byron C. Wallace
Journal of Medical Internet Research

A Corpus with Multi-Level Annotations of Patients, Interventions and Outcomes to Support Language Processing for Medical Literature

Ben Nye, Junyi Jessy Li, Roma Patel, Yinfei Yang, Iain Marshall, Ani Nenkova and Byron C. Wallace
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) 2018

Believe it or not: Designing a Human-AI Partnership for Mixed-Initiative Fact-Checking

An T. Nguyen, Aditya Kharosekar, Saumyaa Krishnan, Siddhesh Krishnan, Elizabeth Tate, Byron C. Wallace and Matthew Lease

Learning Disentangled Representations of Texts with Application to Biomedical Abstracts

Sarthak Jain, Edward Banner, Jan-Willem van de Meent, Jan-Willem, Iain J. Marshall and Byron C. Wallace
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Structured Multi-Label Biomedical Text Tagging via Attentive Neural Tree Decoding

Gaurav Singh, James Thomas, Iain J. Marshall, John Shawe-Taylor and Byron C. Wallace
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)


A Sensitivity Analysis of (and Practitioners' Guide to) Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification

Ye Zhang and Byron C. Wallace
International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP)

Active Discriminative Text Representation Learning

Ye Zhang, Matt Lease and Byron C. Wallace
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

OpenMEE: Intuitive, open-source software for meta-analysis in ecology and evolutionary biology

Byron C. Wallace, Marc J. Lajeunesse, George Dietz, Issa J. Dahabreh, Thomas A. Trikalinos, Christopher H. Schmid and Jessica Gurevitch
Methods in Ecology and Evolution

PheKnow–Cloud: A Tool for Evaluating High-Throughput Phenotype Candidates using Online Medical Literature

Jette Henderson, Ryan Bridges, Joyce C. Ho, Byron C. Wallace and Joydeep Ghosh
AMIA Joint Summits on Translational Science
Recipient of the 2017 Distinguished Clinical Research Informatics Paper Award


Exploiting Domain Knowledge via Grouped Weight Sharing with Application to Text Categorization

Ye Zhang, Matthew Lease and Byron C. Wallace
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)

Retrofitting Concept Vector Representations of Medical Concepts to Improve Estimates of Semantic Similarity and Relatedness

Zhiguo Yu, Byron C. Wallace, Todd Johnson and Trevor Cohen

Aggregating and Predicting Sequence Labels from Crowd Annotations

An Thanh Nguyen, Byron C. Wallace, Junyi Jessy Li, Ani Nenkova and Matthew Lease
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)

Automating Biomedical Evidence Synthesis: RobotReviewer

Iain Marshall, Joël Kuiper, Edward Banner and Byron C. Wallace
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
Demo paper


Identifying Reports of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) via a Hybrid Machine Learning and Crowdsourcing Approach

Byron C. Wallace, Anna Noel-Storr, Iain J Marshall, Aaron M. Cohen, Neil R. Smalheiser and James Thomas
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)

Quantifying Mental Health from Social Media with Neural User Embeddings

Silvio Amir, Glen Coppersmith, Paula Carvalho, Mário J. Silva and Byron C. Wallace
Machine Learning in Health Care (MLHC)

An Exploration of Crowdsourcing Citation Screening for Systematic Reviews

Michael L. Mortensen, Gaelen P. Adam, Thomas A. Trikalinos, Tim Kraska and Byron C. Wallace
Research Synthesis Methods

Identifying diagnostic test accuracy publications using a deep model

Gaurav Singh, Iain Marshall, James Thomas and Byron C. Wallace
CLEF eHealth

A Neural Candidate-Selector Architecture for Automatic Structured Clinical Text Annotation

Gaurav Singh, Iain Marshall, James Thomas, John Shawe-Taylor and Byron C. Wallace
International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)

Detecting Twitter posts with Adverse Drug Reactions using Convolutional Neural Networks

Sarthak Jain, Xun Peng and Byron C. Wallace
Media Mining for Health Applications Workshop & Shared Task at AMIA 2017


MGNC-CNN: A Simple Approach to Exploiting Multiple Word Embeddings for Sentence Classification

Ye Zhang, Stephen Roller and Byron C. Wallace
North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)

Improving the Utility of MeSH terms Using the TopicalMeSH Representation

Zhiguo Yu, Elmer Bernstam, Trevor Cohen, Byron C Wallace and Todd R Johnson
Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JBI)

Extracting PICO Sentences from Clinical Trial Reports using Supervised Distant Supervision

Byron C Wallace, Joël Kuiper, Aakash Sharma, Mingxi (Brian) Zhu and Iain J. Marshall
Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
pre-print link

A Correlated Worker Model for Grouped, Imbalanced and Multitask Data

An T. Nguyen, Byron C. Wallace and Matthew Lease
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)

Modelling Context with User Embeddings for Sarcasm Detection in Social Media

Silvio Moreira, Byron C. Wallace, Hao Lyu, Paula Carvalho and Mário J. Gaspar da Silva
The SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)
Covered in New Scientist magazine here: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2100007-ai-reads-your-tweets-and-spots-when-youre-being-sarcastic/


Rationale-Augmented Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification

Ye Zhang, Iain Marshall and Byron C. Wallace
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Systematic Review is e-Discovery in Doctor's Clothing

Matthew Lease, Gordon V. Cormack, An Thanh Nguyen, Thomas A. Trikalinos, and Byron C. Wallace
Medical Information Retrieval (MedIR) Workshop at the 39th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval

Using Electronic Medical Records and Physician Data to Improve Information Retrieval for Evidence-Based Care

Mengqi Jin, Hongli Li, Christopher H. Schmid and Byron C. Wallace
International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI)

A Data-Driven Approach to Characterizing the (Perceived) Newsworthiness of Health Science Articles

Ye Zhang, Erin Willis, Michael Paul, Noémie Elhadad and Byron C. Wallace
JMIR Medical Informatics

Automated Verification of Phenotypes using PubMed

Ryan Bridges, Jette Henderson, Joyce Ho, Byron C. Wallace and Joydeep Ghosh
Methods and Applications for Healthcare Analytics (MAHA) at ACM BCB

Probabilistic Modeling for Crowdsourcing Partially-Subjective Ratings

An T. Nguyen, Matthew Halpern, Byron C. Wallace and Matthew Lease
pre-print link

Leveraging coreference to identify arms in medical abstracts: An experimental study

Elisa Ferracane, Iain Marshall, Byron C. Wallace and Katrin Erk
The International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (Co-Located with EMNLP 2016)

Retrofitting Word Vectors of MeSH Terms to Improve Semantic Similarity Measures

Zhiguo Yu, Trevor Cohen, Todd R. Johnson, Byron C Wallace and Elmer Bernstam
The International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (Co-Located with EMNLP 2016)

Evaluating Data Abstraction Assistant, anovel software application for dataabstraction during systematic reviews:protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Ian J Saldanha, Christopher H Schmid, Joseph Lau, Kay Dickersin, Jesse A Berlin, Jens Jap, Bryant T Smith, Simona Carini, Wiley Chan, Berry De Bruijn, Byron C Wallace, Susan M Hutfless, Ida Sim, M Hassan Murad, Sandra A Walsh, Elizabeth J Whamond and Tianjing Li
Systematic Reviews
Trial protocol



Graph-Sparse LDA: A Topic Model with Structured Sparsity

Finale Doshi-Velez, Byron C Wallace and Ryan P Adams
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

What Predicts Media Coverage of Health Science Articles?

Byron C Wallace, Michael J Paul and Noémie Elhadad
The International Workshop on the World Wide Web and Public Health Intelligence (W3PHI)

RobotReviewer: Evaluation of a System for Automatically Assessing Bias in Clinical Trials

Iain J. Marshall, Joël Kuiper and Byron C. Wallace
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)
Software available @: https://robot-reviewer.vortext.systems/

pre-print link

Reports of the AAAI 2014 Conference Workshops

Stefano V. Albrecht, André M. S. Barreto, Darius Braziunas, David L. Buckeridge, Heriberto Cuayáhuitl, Nina Dethlefs, Markus Endres, Amir-massoud Farahmand, Mark Fox, Lutz Frommberger, Sam Ganzfried, Yolanda Gil, Sébastien Guillet, Lawrence E. Hunter, Arnav Jhala, Kristian Kersting, George Konidaris, Freddy Lecue, Sheila McIlraith, Sriraam Natarajan, Zeinab Noorian, David Poole, Rémi Ronfard, Alessandro Saffiotti, Arash Shaban-Nejad, Biplav Srivastava, Gerald Tesauro, Rosario Uceda-Sosa, Guy Van den Broeck, Martijn van Otterlo, Byron C. Wallace, Paul Weng, Jenna Wiens, Jie Zhang
Artificial Intelligence Magazine

Sparse, Contextually Informed Models for Irony Detection: Exploiting User Communities, Entities and Sentiment

Byron C Wallace, Do Kook Choe and Eugene Charniak
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
pre-print link

Automating Risk of Bias Assessment for Clinical Trials

Iain J. Marshall, Joël Kuiper and Byron C. Wallace
Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI)
An invited journal version of our 2014 ACM-BCB paper of the same the title.

pre-print link

Combining Crowd and Expert Labels using Decision Theoretic Active Learning

An T. Nguyen, Byron C. Wallace and Matthew Lease
Conference on Human Computation & Crowdsourcing (HCOMP)

Healthcare Data Analytics Challenge

Zhiguo Yu, Byron C. Wallace and Todd R. Johnson
International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI)
Describes our system, which won the 2015 ICHI healthcare analytics challenge.


Editorial: special issue on machine learning for health and medicine

Jenna Wiens and Byron C. Wallace
Machine Learning Journal


Improving Class Probability Estimates for Imbalanced Data

Byron C. Wallace and Issa J. Dahabreh
Knowledge and Information Systems

Humans Require Context to Infer Ironic Intent (so Computers Probably do, too)

Byron C. Wallace, Do Kook Choe, Laura Kertz and Eugene Charniak
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
pre-print link

Identifying Differences in Physician Communication Styles with a Log-Linear Transition Component Model

Byron C. Wallace, Issa J. Dahabreh, Thomas A. Trikalinos, M. Barton Laws, Ira Wilson and Eugene Charniak
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

Discovering Better AAAI Keywords via Clustering with Community-sourced Constraints

Kelly H. Moran, Byron C. Wallace and Carla E. Brodley
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

Spá: a web-based viewer for text mining in Evidence Based Medicine

Jöel Kuiper, Iain J. Marshall, Byron C. Wallace and Morris A. Swertz
The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD)
pre-print link

A Large-Scale Quantitative Analysis of Latent Factors and Sentiment in Online Doctor Reviews

Byron C. Wallace, Michael J. Paul, Urmimala Sarkar, Thomas A. Trikalinos and Mark Dredze
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA)
pre-print link

#CochraneTech: Technology and the Future of Systematic Reviews

Julian Elliott, Ida Sim, Jessica Thomas, Nancy Owens, Gordon Dooley, Jacob Riis, Byron Wallace, James Thomas, Anna Noel-Storr, Gabriel Rada, Caroline Struthers, Tracey Howe, Harriet MacLehose, Linn Brandt, Ilkka Kunnamo and Chris Mavergames
Cochrane Library Editorial

Automating Risk of Bias Assessment for Clinical Trials

Iain J. Marshall, Joël Kuiper and Byron C. Wallace
ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics
Selected as the best public health paper at ACM-BCB 2014 and invited for extended journal publication.

pre-print link

Can Cognitive Scientists Help Computers Recognize Irony?

Byron C. Wallace and Laura Kertz
Cognitive Science Society (CogSci)


Computational Irony: A Survey and new Perspectives

Byron C Wallace
Artificial Intelligence Review

Active Literature Discovery for Scoping Evidence Reviews: How Many Needles are There?

Byron C. Wallace, Issa J. Dahabreh, Kelly H. Moran, Carla E. Brodley and Thomas A. Trikalinos
KDD Workshop on Data Mining for Healthcare (KDD-DMH)
pre-print link

What Affects Patient (Dis)satisfaction? Analyzing Online Doctor Ratings with a Joint Topic-Sentiment Model

Michael J. Paul, Byron C. Wallace and Mark Dredze
AAAI Workshop on Expanding the Boundaries of Health Informatics Using AI (HIAI)

Modernizing the systematic review process to inform comparative effectiveness: tools and methods

Byron C Wallace, Issa J Dahabreh, Christopher H Schmid, Joseph Lau and Thomas A Trikalinos
Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research
pre-print link

A Generative Joint, Additive, Sequential Model of Topics and Speech Acts in Patient-Doctor Communication

Byron C. Wallace, Thomas A. Trikalinos, M. Barton Laws, Ira B. Wilson and Eugene Charniak
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Automatically Annotating Topics in Transcripts of Patient-Provider Interactions via Machine Learning

Byron C. Wallace, M. Barton Laws, Kevin Small, Ira B. Wilson and Thomas A. Trikalinos
Medical Decision Making
Highlighted in this MDM editorial.


Modernizing Evidence Synthesis for Evidence-Based Medicine (Book Chapter)

Byron C Wallace, Issa J Dahabreh, Christopher H Schmid, Joseph Lau and Thomas A Trikalinos
Clinical Decision Support: The Road to Broad Adoption


Challenges and opportunities in applied machine learning

Carla E. Brodley, Umaa Rebbapragada, Kevin Small and Byron C Wallace
Artificial Intelligence Magazine

Machine Learning Health Informatics: Making Better use of Domain Experts

Byron C Wallace
PhD Thesis, Tufts University
Received the runner-up for the 2012 SIGKDD 2013 Dissertation Award


Toward modernizing the systematic review pipeline in genetics: efficient updating via data mining.

Byron C. Wallace, Kevin Small, Carla E. Brodley, Joseph Lau, Christopher H. Schmid, Lars Bertram, Christina M. Lill, Joshua T. Cohen and Thomas A. Trikalinos
Genetics in Medicine

Closing the Gap between Methodologists and End-Users: R as a Computational Back-End

Byron C. Wallace, Issa J. Dahabreh, Thomas A. Trikalinos, Joseph Lau, Paul Trow and Christopher H. Schmid
Journal of Statistical Software

Multiple narrative disentanglement: Unraveling infinite jest

Byron C. Wallace
The North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL)

Class Probability Estimates are Unreliable for Imbalanced Data (and How to Fix Them)

Byron C. Wallace and Issa J. Dahabreh
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)
Selected as one of the "best of ICDM 2012"

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Who should label what? instance allocation in multiple expert active learning

Byron C Wallace, Kevin Small, Carla E Brodley and Thomas A Trikalinos
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM)

Single cell time-resolved quorum responses reveal dependence on cell density and configuration

Ragnhild D. Whitaker, Steve Pember, Byron C Wallace, Carla E Brodley and David Walt
Journal of Biological Chemistry

Deploying an interactive machine learning system in an evidence-based practice center: abstrackr

Byron C Wallace, Kevin Small, Carla E Brodley, Joseph Lau and Thomas A Trikalinos
ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI)
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Class Imbalance, Redux

Byron C. Wallace, Kevin Small, Carla E Brodley and Thomas A Trikalinos
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)

The constrained weight space SVM: Learning with ranked features

Kevin Small, Byron C. Wallace, Carla E. Brodley and Thomas A. Trikalinos
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)


Modeling annotation time to reduce workload in comparative effectiveness reviews

Byron C Wallace, Kevin Small, Carla E Brodley and Thomas A Trikalinos
ACM International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI)
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Semi-automated screening of biomedical citations for systematic reviews

Byron C Wallace, Thomas A Trikalinos, Joseph Lau, Carla E Brodley and Chistopher H Schmid
BMC Bioinformatics

Active learning for biomedical citation screening

Byron C Wallace, Kevin Small, Carla E Brodley and Thomas A Trikalinos
ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining
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Meta-Analyst: software for meta-analysis of binary, continuous and diagnostic data

Byron C Wallace, Christopher H Schmid, Joseph Lau and Thomas A Trikalinos
BMC Research Methods
Highly accessed


The COPD Genetic Association Compendium: a Comprehensive Online Database of COPD Genetic Associations

PJ Castaldi, MH Cho, M Cohn, F Langerman, S Moran, N Tarragona, H Moukhachen, R Venugopal, D Hasimja, E Kao, BC Wallace, CP Hersh, S Bagade, L Bertram, EK Silverman, TA Trikalinos
Human Molecular Genetics